Company registration in Bulgaria, legal, and tax services in Bulgaria

We assist with setting up new businesses in Bulgaria, limited companies and NGO registrations, virtual address, assistance in opening bank accounts, tax residence, representative offices, notary deeds and other legal challenges you may face in Bulgaria.

If your business is new to Bulgaria it needs qualified legal assistance

  1. Setting up a limited company in Bulgaria /EOOD, OOD/ for clients who wish to relocate their business to Bulgaria, assistance with opening bank accounts, rental and lease agreements, notary deeds and mortgages;
  2. Ready made companies for digital nomads and remote company registrations, tax services for online businesses, remote company registrations, representation before all government bodies and agencies;
  3. We offer virtual office in case your business is run remotely for the time you are not present in Bulgaria. These services include mail forwarding, representation before third parties on the company address;
  4. Setting up representative offices of foreign companies, assistance with visa type 'D';
  5. Keeping your company compliant with Bulgarian laws, ongoing company maintenance, bookkeeping and annual financial reports submission;
  6. We assist in mediation and solving personal legal issues, prenuptial agreement, divorce cases, legal disputes between spouses;

What new changes are important to know before you start!

  • Setting up a company in Bulgaria with a bank account in a Bulgarian bank is not that fast as it used to be. Bulgarian banks provide corporate services only for businesses run by EU citizens and only after a really thorough assessment of the clients and their businesses. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) legal framework is strictly enforced by all Bulgarian banks and clients need to provide sufficient and transparent information ;
  • Tax residency may be a complex legal issue for digital nomads and company directors who run international businesses. We assist with obtaining A1 certificates and representation before tax and migration authorities.
  • Nominee services in Bulgaria has become a complex matter involving serious implications in the Anti-Money Laundering and tax regulations which you need to seriously consider; .
  • If you want to run a Business from Bulgaria and be tax compliant you need to stay in Bulgaria for w while. Getting an affordable residence address in Bulgaria is not difficult, Bulgaria is the cheapest EU state to run a company from and this is where your business acumen brought you to;

Your time is valued and each client gets a free initial consultation!

We offer a free assessment of your case, considering all main legal and tax issues.

  • Bulgaria may be a great place to start a business, however it may not be wise to start before you are aware of all legal and tax aspects of your planned activity;
  • There is no one solution that works in similar cases, we provide individual and efficient solutions oriented to the specific client's needs
  • Closing your business and making a clean exit is not less important than starting a successful business. We assist with company liquidations and debt collection services;

Versatile and client focused services

Efficiency and online services

  • We will be with you from day one assisting your settlement in Bulgaria finding the most cost effective and time effective solution;
  • Our team have full professional capacity in English and Russian, we provide translations in all major EU languages
  • Our fees are reasonable and result oriented, we provide a ‘one stop’ services which avoids additional unnecessary costs;

Our office is in Plovdiv. Contact us here. We will reply on the next working day.

Plovdiv, 4000, 68 Rayko Daskalov St. office 8; phone number +359899750335;;

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